For only $60/year, you get access to the best possible prices for human consumption grade meat, bones and other raw food for your companion animals.
Shop our wide range of products and earn loyalty rewards. We offer over 60 brands, and also a variety of raw meats & organs, many of which are sourced locally. We also have novel proteins like bison, kangaroo, and venison.
We currently deliver to 21 locations across WA & OR, WA has 2 deliveries per month, OR has 1 delivery per month.
View our delivery locations here.
Pawradise Raw is a membership-based organization for anyone living in Washington or Oregon that is interested in feeding their companion animals a raw food diet. The primary purpose of this group is to combine our buying power to get the best possible prices on human consumption grade meat as well as bones and raw food for our companion animals. In addition to frozen raw pet food, we also offer many high-quality dog food brands that are lightly clooked, freeze-dried, air-dried, or dehydrated.
Pawradise Raw feeding community is one of a kind. You won't find a bigger or better selection anyplace else. Do you like to buy large quantities at affordable prices? You don't have to purchase in bulk, but it's available if you prefer.
On top of having the best selections on a wide variety of proteins as well as high quality brands, you'll have access to our online community through Facebook. Our members support each other through their raw feeding journeys and beyond.
Join us for just $60/year!
Only members have access to the entire website. Once you activate your membership, you will have complete access to the entire website and products we offer.
You can become a member by filling out the Membership form and paying the annual fee.
We deliver to the following locations:
In Washington: Arlington, Bellevue, Bothell, Burlington, Bellingham, Ferndale, Lynnwood, Lake Stevens, Port Orchard, Puyallup, Tukwila, Stanwood, Tumwater, and Vancouver.
In Oregon: Albany, Hillsboro, Northeast Portland, Clackamas, Salem, and Wilsonville.
As a member you will have access to the exact locations with a map, address and directions for each location.
You can preview brands offered here.